Friday, August 7, 2015

Back? Maybe?

Let's pretend like it hasn't been forever since I've posted... shall we? I'm not going to say I'm back because let's be honest I'm not all that consistent with this writing thing and life happens.. but I'm here now so how about an update?

I took a long breather from daily running. My weekly mileage fell to about 10-15. My outside runs diminished and my treadmill runs (treadmill runs = watching tv while crawling along at a pathetic pace and incline) steadily grew. I tried focusing on lifting heavy because it was fun and I forever battled with my diet and weight. I've been a mess. Work stressed me out. I got a new job. I went on a 2 week vacation to MN (yay family!) and I ate delish food, worked out not nearly enough and packed on the pounds.

I'm not happy with my weight and my lack of running motivation. It's just not me! I'm the girl that's envious of people running, always, no fail, but not lately. So I decided to give myself a kick in the butt and I registered for not 1 but 2 half marathons this fall. September and November.

Now that the drama and stress of work is over ( I LOVE my new job!), and life has calmed down, I'm going to forget the yo-yo dieting and focus on doing what I love, consistently. The rest will just have to follow suit.

Tomorrow I'm heading out for a long run, no headphones, no phone, no watch. Just me and the road, determined to find my love for running again.....

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