Wednesday, December 31, 2014


The whole Christmas - Pre New Year week always gets me thinking. I think about how I spent too much on Christmas and vow that next year will be different (Spoiler alert - it won't.) I think about how I ate too much this holiday season and again vow that next year will be different (Spoiler alert - it won't.) And I think about what I want this new year to bring.

From a facebook post.. 
I saw this on facebook the other day and it got me thinking even more, do I always try this new year new me crap?? I try every year to lose weight, have more patience and watch less tv. (Spoiler alert - I don't, I can't and I won't.) In fact I'm pretty sure I have a Pinterest board called new year - new me. Well clearly that works every year right ?!?! 

So this year I want to be different, no BIG and SUPER far reaching goals that I'll just get disappointed if I don't make. I want to make ONE resolution per se to cover it all, ONE small thing to do daily, and the rest will be hopes for the new year. 

So that brings me to  the title of this post... #Run365 I'm not on twitter, I rarely use instagram and I NEVER use hashtags... but well it seemed to fit. 

This year's resolution will be to STREAK! ... no not that kind of streaking (didn't we already cover that I needed to lose weight!?!?) I'm going to RUN 365 days. That's right. Every. Single. Day.

To me, this is a resolution that is totally attainable. I thought about putting a mileage goal for the day, the month or the year. But frankly, I don't think that matters. We all have good running days and bad, so I simply promise to myself that I WILL lace up my sneakers EVERY day, I will push myself out that front door and I will RUN, every day, for 365. 

From the interwebs... again.  I'm lazy. But I do LOVE stridebox!
Holidays, vacations, rain, snow, shine all will provide a different background, backdrop and  affect on me. I don't care where or when I run, as long as its every day.
yes... from the interwebs.

So because mom always asks why I do crazy things like this... here's why mom... 

1. I love attainable goals.
2. I want to do another marathon this year.
3. I eat better after a run, here's to hoping the weight loss sticks this year! (this is the part where you cross your fingers... or tell me to put down the chocolate)
4. I want to have more patience this year, and do less complaining. I'll complain to God, myself, the weather, the stars and the pavement. But not to people. At least not as much. (I'm still human)
5. That whole tv thing.. If I'm running I can't watch it right??

So there it is, splashed all over this (hardly) read blog, where you handful of people that actually read this thing (hi Mom!) will hopefully hold me accountable. I'll try to blog every day (yeah right, we've seen how good my blog streakin' is) or facebook post every day using that clever little hashtag... 

0/365.. tomorrow it begins.. Happy New Year! :)

keep running, 