Monday, February 10, 2014

Struggles... we all have them right?

We all know about the runners high... (see previous post for sunshine and rainbows).. But we have lows too.. Sunday was a low.. a miserable miserable low.

I'll be honest, when I woke up Sunday morning I wasn't in the mood. I was cranky, a bit sleepy, cold (our apartment can't seem to regulate itself right..) and just blahhh.

After checking facebook, email, tmz and exhausting my candy crush lives I realized it was now or never. SO, after deciding it was too cold (Seriously? Where has my Minnesotan back bone gone?!) I got dressed and ready to venture to the gym.

I had new sneakers! Totally bad idea when 15 miles is your goal but alas I'm attracted to shiny new things. I had my water! My shot bloks! My music! (Pandora is learning more and more about me everyday... <3)

Ready to Run!
And then about a mile in my toes went numb. I usually retie my laces but I was so excited to have new sneakers that I overlooked that and just threw them on. Problem Number 1. So I stopped. Retied them.

New Sneaks! Asics Gel Nimbus 15s!
Problems 2-1000; my attitude. I knew it was crummy. I knew I wasn't in the mood to run. And yet, after 6 miles and a screaming voice in my head telling me to just quit. I cried. On the treadmill. In the gym. Thank goodness no one else was there. BUT I think I would have cried anyway. I was so upset. So disappointed in myself. I sent Brian a text and told him I was done. I couldn't hack it. I'd never be a marathoner. blah blah blah. (Apparently I had forgotten all about the 13 miles from last week and all the other miles I put in this week!)

I got the BEST response from him, "It's ok to have a bad day." I don't know WHY I never thought of that. How many times have I stepped out the door to run and changed up the pace, the route or the mileage based on the day and how I felt? Suddenly because I was marathon training this wasn't ok? I knew I needed to deal with it, and move on.

And with that I went home. 9 miles short. With sore feet and a heart full of disappointment.

I spent the majority of the day disappointed in myself, I cried some more while foam rolling and stretching (seriously? what's with the crying?!??!) And even a donut, a beautiful boston kreme donut, complete with hearts on top, could barely cheer me up. Best boyfriend ever though right? me in tears = Donuts! :)
I know now, the next day, that not completing the run isn't some weird indication of how race day is going to go and it doesn't mean I'm not a runner. If anything, these highs and lows, mean that I am.

So today, as I take my usual rest day, I'm gearing myself up for a 6 mile run tomorrow morning, but if it turns into anything less, that's ok too. Just as long as I keep taking that first step.

1 comment:

  1. You can do this! The metal battle is so much harder than the physical challenge! You can also look up above for encouragement from Birdie, talk to her while you are running. If you are crying at the gym might as well talk to yourself too! :)
